The Laws of Wolfhome
"I accept you into my pack," said The Guardian.
"But here, you are on my lands,
and you will follow my rules."
Our Rules & FAQ pages are currently being updated. Thank you for your patience! On Wolfhome, we strive to create a relaxed environment for everyone. Members are strongly encouraged to communicate with each other kindly and respectfully. To ensure that everyone has a great experience, we have established certain rules to abide by when taking part in our community. Even though chat administrators exist to enforce rules, we believe that members can work out minor issues and inconveniences between themselves through problem-solving and communication.
If you would like to know more about the strategies we promote, please go here. If these methods do not work, however, you are encouraged to use the Ignore feature, which will prevent the other member from being visible to you (and vice versa). To learn more about the Ignore feature, please go here.
Rules & Terms of Use It is important to read the rules of Wolfhome in full before registering or participating in the site in any way, as ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for any misconduct. When you register for an account on Wolfhome, you agree to adhere to these rules as well as our Terms of Use, and failure to abide by them may result in a ban from our community. We generally enforce a 3-strike policy for most rule violations: a gentle reminder, an official warning, and then a brief ban. Bans can range from 12 hours to permanent, depending on the severity of the offense and if there have been previous infractions by the same member. If a permanent ban has been issued, your forum account will also be banned. It is important to note that our chat is based in the United States and is therefore subject to US Law. Read more about our ban policy here.
Age Requirement
As of January 1, 2023, Wolfhome is only accessible to users aged 16 and older, making our rating 16+. If you are under 16, please discontinue using this website immediately. By using or attempting to use Wolfhome, you certify that you are at least the minimum age. If you are below the minimum age, your account may be permanently banned without notice, regardless of parental consent. Members may return after turning 16 by submitting a Problem Ticket to appeal their ban. When registering for Wolfhome, it is important to provide your actual date of birth. Falsifying your age to be more or less than your genuine age may lead to an account removal or a permanent ban if you refuse to adjust it appropriately or are found entering 18+ rooms.
Account Responsibility
Remember to protect your accounts by keeping your passwords confidential. If another person accesses your account and receives a ban, it will be attributed to your account. This includes allowing others to use your email account(s) to access Wolfhome. We encourage everyone to take extra precautions, like setting a difficult password and using our !lock command.* *Typing "!lock" in the chat box prompts the site to lock the chat tab. This requires you to enter your password to unlock and interact on chat again, making it a useful protection tool when stepping away from your computer.
Private Rooms
Anyone entering a private room must adhere to the rules set by that room's owner and by visiting their room, you agree to comply with them. NSFW content and discussions are permitted on Wolfhome only in private rooms or through whispers, provided all participants are 18 years or older. Staff members will only intervene and mediate within a private room in cases of personal safety, death, self-harm, suicide, hacking, or virus threats. They will also intervene if a minor has been propositioned or at the request of the room owner. Despite this, please note that log checks may be necessary during emergencies. It is unacceptable to enter or use someone else's private room without their knowledge or consent. Doing so may result in removal from the room and an official warning. We encourage room owners to report such incidents directly to our staff members for appropriate handling. If you would like to create your own private room, you can find more information here.
Protecting Minors
Our top priority is ensuring the safety of minors and providing a pleasant experience for all users in our community. Adults (18+) who interact with minors (under 18) are held to additional expectations. Under no circumstances are adults allowed to expose minors to explicit content or unsafe activities, including NSFW material. Violating this rule will result in a permanent ban across all Chatlands sites. Any instances of propositioning minors will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, spreading false information or unsubstantiated claims that could harm someone's personal or social relationships is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.* *For further guidance, please refer to our Internet Safety Guide. You can also review our rules on False Reports & Mini-Modding here. If you need to share confidential information with our staff, please use our Problem Ticket system.
Profile Content
Any rule violations within your chat profile will result in a warning to remove the inappropriate content. If the content is not removed within 24 hours, a staff member will forcibly remove it and notify you. Repeated violations will result in escalating consequences: a second offense will lead to a 12-hour account ban in addition to content removal. Profiles must not contain NSFW content unless clearly labeled with a proper NSFW warning. Unlabeled NSFW content will be treated as a violation and handled accordingly. Additionally, usernames referencing drugs or drug paraphernalia are prohibited. If your username falls into this category, you will be asked to change it within 24 hours. Failure to do so by your next login will result in a 12-hour account ban. After the ban ends, you will be required to update your username to comply with our guidelines to avoid further bans. All rules follow the regular ban ladder unless otherwise noted. However, in cases of serious violations or repeated offenses, bans may skip steps on the ladder—even after a refresh rate has been reset. For more details about our policies, please visit the Wolfhome FAQ.

1.) NSFW Content (back to top)
Wolfhome is a 16+ community focused on protecting younger members. Inappropriate or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content deemed unsuitable for users under 18 is strictly prohibited in public rooms. NSFW content may only be shared in private rooms with the permission of the room owner, and all members in the room must be 18 or older. This includes discussions, poses, or content of an explicit nature, defined as the graphic depiction or description of sexual activity. It is the responsibility of the room owner to ensure that all members meet the age requirement and that content complies with Wolfhome’s guidelines. Please take a moment to carefully review this rule. While NSFW content may be permitted in private rooms, sharing blatant pornography or other explicit material is still strictly prohibited in all areas of Wolfhome. All content must comply with Wolfhome’s rules, and room owners are responsible for ensuring that all activities and content in their room adhere to these guidelines. Be mindful of what you share and make sure it is in the appropriate areas.
- Swearing: Allowed publicly, but disrespectful or unnecessary profanity may lead to action.
- Poses: Detailed nudity is only allowed in private rooms with the owner's permission and must exclusively feature anthropomorphic (anthro) creatures. Nipples are allowed only on ferals and non-feminine anthros. Detailed depictions of feral genitalia are strictly prohibited, and sheaths or 'bulges' must remain nondescript in public rooms.
- Explicit Discussion: X-rated or NSFW discussions must stay in private rooms or direct messages/whispers.
- Substance Use: Our chat is based in the United States and is therefore subject to US Law. Discussions about controlled substances must be educational if public. Members under 21 may not discuss personal alcohol or drug use. Glorifying or pressuring others is prohibited. Marijuana discussions are restricted to private rooms or direct messages/whispers.
The following content is strictly prohibited on Wolfhome:
- Explicit Material: Pornography (depictions of sexual acts), including shock sites, images, videos, literature, or related themes.
- Non-consensual & Harmful Themes: Abuse, animal cruelty (including zoophilia), child abuse (including pedophilia), death-related content, drug/alcohol glorification, eating disorders, incest, self-harm, sexual assault, suicide, torture, and violence.
- Illegal Material: Piracy, including malicious and/or fraudulent websites.
2.) Spam (back to top)
Spam refers to irrelevant or nonsensical sustained messages sent to a group and is strictly prohibited on Wolfhome. Violations may result in disciplinary action. Examples of Spam:
While not classified as spam, certain behaviors can be disruptive to others in chat. Please avoid excessive use of caps, as it can be interpreted as "yelling," and remain mindful of others in shared chat rooms.
Disturbing the peace refers to actions that cause emotional distress and upset the community. Depending on the severity of the situation, the behaviors below may lead to a permanent ban.
4.) Trolling (back to top)
We have a strict policy against trolling. Purposeful or excessive harassment, griefing, disruptive or malicious behavior, disturbance of peace, or vulgarity will result in a permanent ban across all Chatlands sites. Examples of this type of behavior can include:
- Purposefully instigating or increasingly aggressive statements.
- Shamelessly bashing a topic others are in favor of.
- Deliberately making absurd or outrageous remarks solely to provoke or offend others.
- Making use of racist or "hate speech" statements solely to elicit reactions.
- Unwarranted insults or name-calling.
- Spam-like acts.
We strive to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all community members. Harassment is defined as persistent, unwelcome behavior that may cause emotional distress. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Discrimination: Racism, xenophobia, religious prejudice, or extremist views. Avoid personal attacks, racial slurs, or forcing beliefs on others.
- Abusive Language: Maliciously cursing at others, including offensive gestures, poses, or emojis.
- Sexual Harassment: Sending unsolicited sexual messages, innuendos, or requests for explicit content. Hateful comments targeting sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation are also prohibited.
- Stalking and Doxing: Following or sharing personal information such as home addresses or identities without consent.
- Art Theft and Public Shaming: If you suspect art theft or have concerns about another member's behavior, report it to the appropriate team (e.g., the Art Review Team) rather than targeting or publicly shaming individuals.
- Solicitation: Begging for money is prohibited. Personal fundraisers must be shared through the
!away feature, profiles, or forum topics, not repeated in chat. - Cultural Sensitivity: Certain names or terms that may be offensive are not allowed. Everyone has the right to be respected, including their preferred names, nicknames, and pronouns. If someone requests that you stop using a term, you are expected to comply.
- Offsite Harassment: While Wolfhome is not responsible for offsite harassment, staff will intervene in cases involving doxing or threats of sexual, physical, or life-threatening harm by specific Chatlands members.
Wolfhome is committed to fostering a respectful environment for all, including our volunteer staff and team members. To support this atmosphere, please avoid the following behaviors:
- Insulting or criticizing staff or team members or their performance.
- Harassing staff about pending poses, rooms, warnings, bans, or asking repeatedly about joining staff or teams.
- Repeatedly uploading rejected rooms or poses without addressing the necessary corrections. If you have questions, contact an Art Review Team member for guidance.
While constructive feedback is welcome, harassment of staff or team members is not tolerated. Staff and team members work hard to support the community and may occasionally make mistakes. If you are unhappy with a staff or team member’s conduct or decision, please use the Problem Ticket system, contact an Alpha or Underdog if necessary to address your concerns.
You are encouraged to report suspicious activity, but submitting false reports is a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action against your account. Please ensure all reports are truthful and accurate. Additionally, avoid acting as a staff member (commonly referred to as "mini-modding"), as this can create unnecessary confusion. Instead, document the situation by saving logs and forwarding them to a staff member for proper handling.
8.) Multiple Accounts (back to top)
You can create as many accounts as you like, but keep in mind that each email address can only hold up to four accounts. Although we do not recommend using multiple accounts in the same room, it is allowed as long as the room is less than half full and no one objects to it. Should a staff member ask you to remove an extra account from the room, you will be expected to comply.
9.) Safety Threats (back to top)
We understand that certain topics, such as death, suicide, self-harm, and violence, can be deeply sensitive and difficult to talk about. For the well-being of all our members, discussions of these topics are not allowed in public rooms. This helps create a safe environment for everyone. If you or someone you know is going through something like this, we encourage reaching out to a professional or trusted adult who can provide support. In private spaces or role-play, death-related language may come up, but we ask that you avoid using graphic or overly violent descriptions, as it could be upsetting to others. Our staff will carefully review any concerns raised, especially if there’s a genuine need for attention. If someone expresses thoughts of suicide or self-harm, we take these concerns seriously and will offer helpful resources. Although we are not able to provide medical advice, our priority is the safety and well-being of everyone in the community. In situations where there are ongoing concerns, we may need to issue a gentle reminder or, in some cases, a temporary ban to protect everyone involved. Our goal is to maintain a safe, supportive, and caring space for all members, and we are always here to offer guidance and resources when needed.
10.) Hack & Virus Threats (back to top)
We have a strict no-tolerance policy when it comes to hacking threats, whether directed at our members or Wolfhome itself. Please refrain from discussing or sharing any tips, tricks, or links related to hacking activities. Even joking about such topics can lead to serious consequences, including a permanent ban from Chatlands.
11.) Propositioning Minors (back to top)
It is strictly prohibited to offer or engage in any inappropriate behavior, such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or explicit content, with minors on Chatlands, including in role-play. Any accounts involved in such activities will be permanently banned, and appropriate actions, such as reporting to the relevant authorities, will be taken. While Wolfhome Staff cannot monitor every chat room or private message, it’s important for members to report any suspicious activity immediately. We will investigate all reports and take necessary action. To ensure your safety, please avoid sharing personal information like phone numbers, addresses, or school details with others online. Protecting your privacy is crucial, and we encourage you to review our Internet Safety Guide for more tips.
12.) Art Theft (back to top)
Wolfhome enforces a zero-tolerance policy for art theft on both our forum and chat. Art theft includes using, selling, or claiming another person's artwork, drawing, or photo as your own. For more details, please refer to the Wolfhome Art FAQ.
13.) Scamming (back to top)
Scamming, the act of deceiving others for personal gain, is strictly prohibited on Wolfhome. This includes misuse of funds, such as falsely claiming money is for emergencies, and reselling characters for higher prices without adding value or artwork. It is essential to be honest about how funds are raised and used. Misleading others, such as claiming funds are for a specific cause when they are not, may result in disciplinary action, including a permanent ban. Other fraudulent actions, like initiating charge-backs or reselling characters unfairly, will also lead to severe consequences. This policy is in place to protect the community from fraud and ensure trust and fairness.
Wolfhome's community is vast, and issues may arise from time to time. To address conflicts respectfully and effectively, follow these steps. The goal is to help members resolve problems privately and avoid public disputes. We encourage you to handle situations with discretion, understanding, and respect. Step One: Attempt Private Resolution When facing a conflict, stay calm and explain your concerns respectfully. Use private messages or whispers to discuss your feelings and try to resolve the issue directly. Avoid sarcasm or language that could escalate the situation. Refrain from retaliating or responding negatively. Step Two: Contact a Staff Member If a private resolution isn't possible, contact a staff member for assistance. Save any relevant conversation logs as a reference. If you can't resolve the issue with one staff member, try another member of the same rank (Gamma), or escalate the issue to a Beta or Alpha for further support. Step Three: Contact UD if Necessary If you're still dissatisfied with the resolution and have already attempted steps one and two, you can request an Alpha to escalate the issue to UD. They have a direct line of communication for higher-level concerns. Step Four: Open a Public Discussion If all previous steps fail to provide a solution, you may consider bringing your issue to a public forum. It’s crucial to maintain a respectful tone when addressing the community. Here are some forums to consider for public discussion:
By following these steps, you can help ensure that issues are handled respectfully and with the best interest of the community in mind.
Rule Updates and Clarifications
Please note that these rules may be updated periodically. Any changes will be announced on the Wolfhome Forum under Announcements. By agreeing to follow these rules upon registration, you are also agreeing to abide by any future updates. This includes adhering to the Wolfhome Forum Rules, which cover topics such as blacklists, animal transactions, and third-party selling. If you have any questions or confusion about these rules, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the administration. Seeking clarification ensures that you're fully informed and helps prevent future misunderstandings.
Last updated: January 26th, 2025