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Pose Group Tutorial

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:17 am
by Guardian

Do you have multiple poses causing clutter when you try to change a pose on chat? Did you know you can create pose groups for certain poses to find them in a separate tab? Come grab a chair and have a seat because YOU are in luck! This little tutorial is going to show you step by step on how to create a pose group and add your selected poses to it!


Step 1:
From the map, you'll head over to the BodyShop and then select 'Uploader.' You will want to make sure you have 'Show Pose Groups' selected. Please see the screenshot below!


Step 2:
Once you have your 'Show Pose Groups' selected you will want to select from your current list of poses, which pose you would like to add to a pose group! Please see screenshot below for an example!


Step 3:
After you have selected a pose you'd like to move into a pose group, you'll want to select 'Move Selected.' Please see screenshot below for a example.


Once you have selected the pose, an additional box will appear for you to create a pose group! Simply name your pose group and click 'OK.'

Step: 4

After you have hit 'OK' it will then bring you to your brand new pose group! You will then see you pose that you moved underneath your new pose group for easy access to use and less clutter! Please see screenshot below for an example!


Please keep in mind!

You can create as many pose groups as you'd like to organize your poses! Just follow the steps from the beginning and you'll be ready to rock and roll in no time!

You can also move multiple poses into the same pose group! In order to do that, you can save time by clicking on all of your pose names you would like to move, after you've selected all the poses you wish to move you'll want to select 'Move Selected.'
You'll then be able to select which pose group to add your selected poses too or create a new pose group!


Once you enter a room and click on your avatar as if you were changing your pose; your new layout will look something like this! Please see screenshots below as an example!


As you can see above your 'Pose Groups' are not in a sperate tab where you can easily hover over them, click and access all of your poses that you have moved into that pose group!


In the example above, 'Poses' is selected, in which you can see listed all the poses currently in the pose group!


You have successfully created a pose group! You now know how to create one or multiple pose groups and you can now organize and declutter those lovely poses!

Of course, if you ever have any questions or concerns you may always reach out to any member on our Administration Team!