Wolfhome Art FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
To turn off Animated Poses, please see HERE.
Wolfhome is a two-dimensional graphical avatar chat, which allows for a unique visual element to portray yourself as your own virtual character in your own virtual habitat. These unique visual elements enable artists to create their own artwork to use as avatars or backgrounds, making Wolfhome an enriched artistic environment.
Customized Artwork
Wolfhome currently has three different ways you can upload your own customized artwork: as poses, as backgrounds that can be used as private rooms, and as objects to be used in private rooms. In order to upload artwork customized to your character, you must have a subscription.
If you are wondering about how to upload poses, please check out the Pose Uploader FAQ.
If you are wondering about how to upload private rooms, please check out the Room Uploader

What are poses?
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Poses, also known as avatars, are images that represent you on chat. These images will be shown above your username. Wolfhome has a variety of different default pose sets that you can access through our Body Shop via the main chat page (most of which are free to use). If you would like to upload and use your own poses to better express yourself you can do so by visiting the Body Shop. Please note that to upload your own poses you will need to have a subscription.
What are private rooms?
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A private room is a room that is owned personally by a member of Wolfhome. These rooms do not appear in the public room list but in their own separate section at the bottom of the Mysts. In a user’s private room, the room owner can set their own room rating and rules for their guests to abide by. To upload and use a private room you will need to have a subscription. For more information on private rooms, check out the Site Rules and FAQ.
What are room objects?
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Room objects are images that you can upload on to the site to use in your own private room. These images “pop out” from the background of the room. Room objects can be found in some of the public rooms as well. Some examples of room objects in the Wolfhome public rooms would be: the music player in Emerald Jungle, the wooden sign in Silver Isles Sanctuary and the North Pole sign in the Icy Tundra. To upload room objects into your own private room you will need to have a subscription.
How do I change my pose? (back to
There are several ways to change the pose that you're in. The first method is by clicking your current pose. Once you do so, a box should pop up on your screen with a list of all your poses. From there, you can select a new pose from your pose list. You can also use chat commands to change poses! You can do so by typing "!pose posenamehere" into the textbox and hit enter. (For example: !pose sit). You could also use chat commands to change the way your pose is facing by typing "!face left" or "!face right" into the textbox. (Please note: typing "L" or "R" instead of left and right also works).
To change the name of, delete, transfer, or regroup a pose on your pose list, please take a look at this tutorial we've provided for you!
What is the Body Shop? How do I access it? (back
to top)
The Body Shop is where you can change your default pose/avatar colors. You can also upload custom poses, private rooms, and room objects from the Body Shop. Please note: to upload any custom artwork you will need to have a subscription.
To access the Body Shop: Near the middle of the main Wolfhome map page you will see a small floating island titled, “The Bodyshop.” If you click on that island it will take you to the Body Shop. Additionally, you can find the Body Shop by clicking on “Map Links” on the far left menu on the Wolfhome map screen, and then select “The Bodyshop: Custom Colors”.
How can I get my own poses or rooms? What are the reliable sources? (back to
You can obtain a pose by either finding freebies from trusted sources, purchasing a greyscale from another artist or ordering a custom pose from an artist. You can find a variety of poses you can purchase or use for free on the Wolfhome Forum, as well as on sites such as Deviantart. However, take extra caution when finding poses on sites outside of the Wolfhome Forum as they may not be reliable.
To find freebie poses, you should only trust the following sources:
The Wolfhome Freebie Emporium
Wolfhome Freebies DeviantArt page
Wolfhome DeviantArt Group
Premade poses can be purchased in the Premade Market on the Wolfhome Forum.
To order a custom pose, you can locate an artist in the Artist Market.
Please note that poses/artwork on sites like Pinterest and Deviantart (that is NOT listed above), may NOT be reliable. Please make sure that the original uploader did, in fact, make the freebie pose and that you are allowed to use it. A good way to know is by checking any comments left behind by other people, as well as carefully reading the description. If in doubt, please ask a member of the Art Review Team.
Remember that miscellaneous or unreliable sources such as: Photobucket, Imgur albums, Google, Flickr, Tumblr, or other links that lack definitive permission will not be acceptable. If you are ever unsure, please contact a member of the Art Review Team.
What is the Wolfhome Forum? (back to top)
The Wolfhome Forum is where users can post art, commissions, and characters as well as take part in fun forum games, share about their days, and talk with other users! Unlike the Wolfhome Chat, however, you must register for an account prior to being able to access the forum. The Forum Administrators will process your account within a few days of registration! Please remember, however, you can only have one account per person as per our forum rules! We highly recommend that you register for a forum account if you plan to upload artwork on Wolfhome. There are also many important discussions pertaining to Wolfhome that you can take part in on the forums including suggestions, rule change discussions, and more! You can register for the Wolfhome Forum here!
How do I obtain a subscription? (back to top)
To get a subscription you will need to purchase the sites currency which is called Deltas. You can purchase Deltas through the menu on the left side of the Wolfhome map page (you must be logged in to do this). First select “My Account” and then “Purchase Deltas”. One (1) U.S. dollar is equivalent to one (1) delta on Wolfhome. There is a minimum purchase of ten (10) deltas at a time. Once you have purchased deltas for your account you can change your subscription level from “Free”, which is the default subscription, to a paying subscription by going to “My Account” on the Wolfhome map page and then selecting “Upgrade Subscription”. From there you can Subscription that best suits your needs.
What are the species categories? (back to top)
There are 19 species categories on Wolfhome. The categories listed below are acceptable in all Wolfhome Rooms:
- Amphibian category → frog, toad, newt, salamanders, etc.
- Aquatic category → fish, shark, whales, dolphins, etc.
- Arthropods category → insects, spiders, crustaceans, etc.
- Avian category → crow, eagle, hawk, pigeon, owl, song birds, etc.
- Bear category → grizzly bears, brown bears, panda bears, etc.
- Canine category → wolf, fox, coyote, hyenas, domestic dogs, wild canines, etc.
- Feline category → lion, tiger, tabby cat, siamese cat, domestic cats, wild felines, etc.
- Human category → any human or human-related variations, etc.
- Invertebrates category → jellyfish, mollusks, octopus, sea star, etc.
- Marsupial category → kangaroo, koala, possum, etc.
- Mythical category → dragon, unicorn, griffin, etc.
- Prehistoric category → dinosaurs, velociraptor, triceratops, pteranodon, etc.
- Primate category → ape, monkey, lemur, etc.
- Reptile category → lizard, crocodile, alligator, snake, etc.
- Ungulate category → deer, camel, horse, cow, antelope, pig, etc.
- Woodland category → raccoon, squirrel, mouse, beaver, bat, etc.
The categories listed below are not acceptable in Public Rooms, only Private Rooms:
- Inanimate object category → appliances, non-living objects, blenders, clouds, couches, lamps, etc.
- Large prop or object category → any pose with an overly large prop or object
- Undead or gore category → any pose with undead themes, excessive gore, or mature themes, etc.
How can I upload my own poses? (back to top)
Uploading your poses is easy and simple! You can access your pose uploader through the Bodyshop, which can be found on the Wolfhome Map.
First, click on the Bodyshop button on the Wolfhome Map.
Welcome to the Bodyshop! Here you can change your pose set and pose colours. This is not where we want to be to upload our own custom poses though! Click on Uploader at the top. This will take you to the pose uploader! Here you can view all of your custom poses. To start uploading, you need to click on the pose uploader button at the bottom of the page.
Lastly, all you need to do is fill out the steps on this page! You will name your pose, upload both facing sides, select the species and fill out the permission box. The most important part here is the permission box. Make sure you show the Art Review Team that you have permission to use the work and that this is clear, otherwise you may risk the pose being rejected. When you are done, click submit!
For a step by step guide with helpful images, click here!
What do I put in the permissions box?
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You should always link back to a reliable source when uploading a pose. If you created the pose, you can submit a link to your own art gallery where the art piece is uploaded at. If you did not create the pose, you can submit a link to where you found the pose. Additionally, if you did not create the pose and it was not free, you should still submit a link to where you purchased the pose from, as well as a screenshot of your payment transaction if the permissions for the pose you purchased has not been updated yet. Please make sure the following information is showing on your screenshot when uploading as proof of payment:
- Who you sent the payment to.
- The amount you paid.
- The Date you sent it.
- Your name somewhere on the transaction, (preferably your Wolfhome username).
What are the rules for uploading art? (back to top)
To view the guide for uploading poses, see here. This will walk you step by step through the process of uploading a pose.
To view the guide for uploading your own custom or free rooms (also known as ‘backgrounds’), or objects that are placed into these rooms, you can check out this link for further details.
How do I color my poses?
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First, you will need to pick a coloring program. Gimp, Pixlr, FireAlpaca, SAI and Adobe Photoshop are common favorites.
Note - Gimp, Pixlr and FireAlpaca are Free. SAI and Photoshop you have to purchase.
Second, there is a list of tutorials, art tips, and much more which can be found here!
When will my poses be accepted? (back to top)
Poses are normally processed within 24 to 48 hours of the pose being uploaded, depending on who is available at the time on the Art Review Team. They try their absolute hardest to make sure that poses get processed as soon as possible! If a pose takes longer than 72 hours, it is most likely being evaluated and is under discussion by the ART Members. If this is the case, make sure to check your e-mail that is associated with your chat account! An e-mail will be sent letting you know that your pose(s)/room(s) are under discussion. You are more than welcome to contact any current ART Member directly for further clarification. Happy uploading!
What is ART & Who are they? (back to top)
You can simply view all of the current Art Review Team Members here!
A fun little fact: An abbreviation commonly used for the Art Review Team, is "ART".
The ART's job is to review and process poses and rooms that are uploaded onto Wolfhome. They've been trained to either accept or reject submitted art based on our set guidelines, and to protect against all forms of Art Theft. All of the ART Members are real people who volunteer their time, besides their Administration duties, to handle anything in regards to submitting art or handling any necessary art discrepancies. They all deserve your respect and patience for their hard work! Keep in mind that if you ever have any questions or concerns that are solely art related, that they are more than willing to help and get back to you as soon as possible.
What is Art and Character Theft? (back to top)
Art theft refers to the act of taking a piece of artwork, drawing, or photo and wrongfully claiming, selling, or using it as one's own personal work. Art theft is a severe violation that can result in severe consequences for your account. Please take a moment to review the corresponding penalty ladder here
| Character theft is similar to art theft and occurs when someone takes a character or its art and claims, sells, or uses it as their own without owning it. If you did not design the character, you cannot claim to have made it. If you create a character that is too similar to an existing one or modify a few aspects of an existing character and claim it as your own, it is considered theft. It is crucial to ensure that the characters you use and create are not a copy of an already existing one. This is considered stealing and will result in a ban from using the character on Wolfhome as well as a potential account ban, based on the severity of the violation.
Permission from the original artist is necessary to upload artwork on Wolfhome. It is important to give appropriate credit by providing a link to the original artwork that you have permission to upload. If you are the original artist, be sure to credit yourself and link to the artwork in your own gallery or wherever you have uploaded it. If you falsely claim ownership of artwork that was stolen, the pose will be rejected and you will have committed art theft.
Remember, we support the growth and development of artists, but we strictly prohibit copying or tracing artwork to claim as your own and/or make a profit. Using references can be beneficial, but you must credit the use of them appropriately. For a guideline regarding Referencing & Tracing, please see here
If you have any questions or need further explanation, don't hesitate to reach out to a member of the Art Review Team or an Alpha. When uploading artwork to Wolfhome, always include the necessary permission links and information. As a team, we are highly cautious of art and character theft and committed to safeguarding artists and designers from such occurrences. | | | | | |
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What is Art Harassment? (back to top)
ART harassment refers to tormenting or pestering the Art Review Team. ART harassment can take different forms. Below are examples of ART harassment.
- Continuously asking ART Members or other Administrators to process your poses, rooms or objects. Please be patient with the ART & your pose(s)/room(s) will be processed in a timely manner.
- Uploading poses, rooms or objects with inappropriate comments or remarks in the permission box section.
- Uploading poses, rooms or objects that have been rejected previously in a continuous manner, without making the necessary changes asked.
- Harassing or tormenting ART Members over art issues involving pose problems, disputes, etc.
- Bashing ART Members
If we find this happening, you may face warnings or bans depending on the severity. Please remember to treat the Art Review Team with respect and patience.
How can I provide feedback? (back to top)
If you have Feedback for the ART, we would be more than grateful to hear it! Whether it's in regards to how we're doing, taking new suggestions, or constructive criticism, etc. Please keep in mind that we are all trying to make Wolfhome the best chat that it can be, and always looking to improve where it's required. All we ask is if you're giving us your thoughts, please do so politely and respectfully, even if it's criticism. There are a few ways that you can provide us with your Feedback! You can e-mail the ART Staff directly at WolfhomeArtStaff@gmail.com, post in our Suggestions section, submit an Anonymous Survey, or you can speak with any available ART Member about your ideas or opinions that can be brought up with the rest of the Team.
If I have a question not listed here, who should I ask? (back to top)
If you would like to know more about Wolfhome prior to registering for an account, you can email your questions to whalphas@gmail.com or to underdog@chatlands.com. Or, if you have any suggestions or concerns after you have registered, you may contact any Wolfhome Administrator through the Chat or Forum. You can find a list of the current Administration Team here.
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Can I use a Photograph as a Pose? (back to top)
Unfortunately at this time, photo images/photographs are not accepted on chat as poses. For further details & clarification, please see here.
File Type
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We accept both GIF and PNG poses, with a maximum file size of 150 KB (153,600 bytes). Animated poses in the GIF or PNG format are also permitted, although they must be limited to 512 KB (512,000 bytes). Please note that poses with flashing lights, contrasting light and dark patterns, or any other visuals that may cause disorientation, discomfort, or illness are not allowed. For further information, please refer to the Animated Poses section.
Pose Transparency
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The background of a pose must be transparent, or "see through/invisible". To do this, some programs allow you to set the background as transparent prior to creating or coloring your pose, while other programs will require you to color the background of an the image a different color than what is already being used on the pose, if any. If you upload a pose with an opaque background, or if any of the colors within the pose are also transparent, it will not be acceptable. |
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All poses uploaded on Chat, must always be mirrored. Mirroring a pose is when you upload both a left and right facing pose. You simply have to 'flip' the pose in any art program & it does not need to be redrawn. By doing this, it allows you to "turn around" and face the opposite direction on chat. Another important note in regards to mirroring is when words are present on a pose (such as a shirt or a simple thought bubble); the words are required to be mirrored on poses as well to remain legible. |
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Poses must never have any loose pixels outside the pose outline. Even 1 misplaced pixel is enough to have a pose rejected. In some cases, loose pixels can go along with the pose (such as fleas, ticks, smoke, glowing effects, noticing a loose pixel, etc). Only then will loose pixels be deemed acceptable.
There must never be any holes or loose pixels inside the pose outline either.
To check for loose pixels, it is helpful is place the pose over a dark background. This way, it makes it easier to see loose pixels for removal. You should test your pose on a few different dark colored backgrounds.

16+ Rule
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Adult or overly suggestive poses are not permitted to be used on Wolfhome outside of our designated Mature Rooms (18+). Wolfhome is a 16+ chat, and therefore everything said, linked & uploaded must follow these guidelines. Which includes, but not limited to, words on uploaded poses (signs, clothing, props, etc).
Sheaths are acceptable in feral artwork if there is no detail, it is a slight bulge and isn't sexualized. Bulges on anthro's are acceptable if it is a smooth, round bulge such as the ones present on our crinos poses or on a Ken Barbie Doll; there is no more than one bulge; and there is no indication of a phallic shape. Nipples may only be present on feral artwork as well as on flat chested characters on anthro's. Nipples are NOT permitted on any female identifying character or on any non-flat chest/breast, regardless of the gender.
Within our Mature Rooms (18+) we do allow NSFW artwork. For further details pertaining, please see our NSFW pose guidelines.
Size Standards
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Every pose uploaded to Wolfhome must meet our size requirements. These requirements are both physical pixel limits, as well as more subjective limits which take into consideration the avatar species and how the avatar is posed. If an avatar is too large or too small, it will look unpleasant in our chat rooms. Poses must be at least 25 pixels in height and width. They can't be more than 600 pixels in height or in width.
PLEASE NOTE: Images for most creatures (wolves, tigers, bears, etc) would be considerably smaller than the 600 pixel limit, and they would probably be less than 350 pixels in height / width.
Below is our size chart that shows the more subjective limits of our Size Requirements:

As mentioned previously, avatar sizes are somewhat subjective. For example, different types of canines will vary in size - a dire wolf is much larger than a fennec fox. Also, though your pose is within the max size height, it may be proportionally too big. Make sure your pose isn't too bulky and other areas aren't too large, make sure your poses are well proportionate. If you are ever unsure and would like further clarification, feel free to contact any Member of the Art Review Team.
The MAXIMUM pixel size is 600 by 600, but most species will be about half that, (at most 300 pixels in height or width).
The MINIMUM pixel size is 25 by 25 and should be used for minuscule species like bugs, pixies, etc.
If you're looking for various size charts of different species, please view this thread here.
Shading and Highlighting
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Poses do not require shading to be acceptable on Chat, however, there are certain guidelines to follow when uploading poses with & without these elements. If you're uploading a flat colored pose, it must have either a solid black outline or one that is considerably darker than the color inside the outline to be considered acceptable on chat. This means that if your flat colored pose you're uploading has no outline, pieces missing out of the outline, or loose pixels, then the pose will be deemed unacceptable and will be rejected.
Poses that do have shading must have at least one layer of shading (darkened areas). An outline is not required on shaded poses to be considered acceptable on Chat. Highlights are not required, but are highly encouraged to keep your pose from looking flat. Shading must coincide with where the light would and would not shine. Randomly placing shadows on your pose without regard to where the light is coming from will result in rejection. If you put thought into where the light would and would not hit, you should have no issues with your poses being accepted.
Below are some examples of what is & isn't acceptable on Chat.
Color Schemes
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Poses are allowed to be a solid color, except for colors that are the same as the outline, making the outline indistinguishable. They do not have to have additional colors, because your character may happen to be all white for example or whatever color that may be. You are also allowed to have markings from various species of animals. Keep in mind that makings should flow with the anatomy of your pose and not appear "blocked" on. For example, having a rainbow wolf is acceptable, but just pasting a gradient over a pose is not and will be rejected.
To be more specific, we have provided a couple examples below for a better visual.

Pose Outline
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If outlines around a pose are present, they must always be complete, unless they are part of a puzzle pose that requires two halves to make a complete outline. Below are some guidelines to follow that show Acceptable VS Unacceptable Outlines.
Acceptable Outlines
- Outlines should be darker than the color scheme of the character they are outlining and should coordinate well with the overall color scheme
- Flat poses, or poses without shading, must always be outlined
- Poses with fur detail and shading (AKA "lineless poses") do not require outlines
- All poses uploaded as GIFs or animations must have a clean, solid outline
Unacceptable Outlines- Flat poses with no outline
- Incomplete, broken, pixelated, or too thick of an outline
- An outline that is lighter than the main character or does not blend well with its color scheme
NOTE: All flat colored (not shaded) poses must have an outline.
Acceptable Outlines:
Unacceptable Outlines:

Outline color doesn't match the overall color scheme of the pose

Outline is broken in several places
Personal Preferences
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Everyone has their own drawing style. This is perfectly understandable. However, please keep in mind that there are set anatomy and physical limitations when it comes to uploading poses on Wolfhome. That being said, your style may need to be adjusted at times to comply with our current ART standards & regulations.
Offensive Material
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Any offensive material, artwork, or anything along those lines will not be accepted or tolerated on Wolfhome. This includes, but is not limited to, hate symbols, propaganda, obscene gestures, urinating or defecating poses that actually show urine or feces (that isn't in small amounts and with playful intent & is not "in the act" as long as it's not realistic). However, these are judged by a case-by-case basis. These are but a few examples, & if you are ever unsure if a pose you're uploading may contain offensive material then please reach out to a Member of the Art Review Team who would be happy to help answer any questions you may have.
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A small amount of blood is acceptable on any pose. If a pose is deemed to have too much blood or gore it will be placed into one of the pose categories that are only allowed in private rooms. Any sort of wounds that appear self-inflicted are not acceptable and will be rejected. Overly bloody, rotting, morbid, and/or gory poses (that are placed in the gore category) are only viewable in public rooms during Halloween (October 1st to November 1st). After the holiday, this pose category is put back to private rooms only.
Poses that depict deceased or harmed animals in a prey stance will now be accepted into the gore category. It must fall within a natural predator/prey interaction. A feral animal holding a dead animal as means for Role-Play (killing animals for prey) or a feral animal chasing an injured animal (natural predator/prey interaction) would be allowed. There are a few exceptions that will not be allowed. A human or anthro pose including a dead animal or doing it harm, is not allowed as this would be considered abuse. An anthro animal hitting/doing harm to another animal, a human character holding a dead animal or doing an animal harm or an animal chained up/trapped, being mauled by a feral animal will not be allowed.
Aesthetic Quality
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While we understand that everyone has different art styles, we strongly encourage proper anatomy. There are several tutorials on the Wolfhome forums, as well as other sites such as DeviantArt, to assist you along your journey. While it does not have to be perfect, please realize that the better the anatomy of a pose, the easier it will be to determine the species. If we can not tell what species it is intended to be it will be rejected or placed into a category that seems most fitting.
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Each pose on Wolfhome must appear at least 80% of an acceptable species. Usually up to two major modifications are acceptable. If it is an extreme modification, where it is difficult to determine if there is still any remaining acceptable species in the pose, it normally isn't acceptable in the regular species categories. There are many modifications that are unacceptable and will be placed in different categories, such as the mythical category. Some examples are as follows:
- Centaur
- Manticore
- Griffin
If you are unsure with your modifications and would like some clarification on if they're acceptable or not, please feel free to message any of the current ART Members here!
Please don't hesitate to ask, we love answering any possible questions you may have for us, we want to be as clear as possible!
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Props are items or animals that accompany your custom pose/avatar on chat. Most props are acceptable, including weapons, as long as they aren't in the motion of a violent act (slashing a sword, firing a gun, or pointing a gun directly at someone). Guns can be holstered, pointing up, down, or basically a relaxed manner. Joking guns, such as a water gun, are completely acceptable. The only exception to this rule is on Howl-o-Ween.
If a prop is deemed too large, for example a couch, it will be placed into the “Large Prop” pose category, which is only usable in private rooms. Any large appendages such as tails/wings/etc that are more than 2x the size of the body will now also be placed in the Large Prop Category.
Examples of Acceptable Props: Signs, Plushies, Pets, Mounts, Simple thought bubbles, or any 16+ appropriate item. Examples of Unacceptable Props: Pets or mounts which are the same species of the main character of the pose (such as a wolf riding on a wolf mount); If the species is the same as the main character the additional pet will need to be in plushie form, Large vehicles or house hold items such as couches, Weapons that are being used in a threatening manner (except on Howl-o-ween), Large/Medium speech bubbles, or Any inappropriate item that would be deemed above a 16+ rating.
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Plushies are the stuffed animal equivalent for poses. You are allowed to either be a plushie, or have plushies present in your poses. The easiest way to show that a plushie is present in a pose is by adding stitches, though is no longer required. There is no limit on the number of plushies allowed within a single pose.
A couple reasons why your plushie pose may be rejected:
- Your plushie does not clearly look inanimate.
- The plushie is the same species/animal as the main character and is not visibly clear that it's a plushie.
The main reason why your plushie pose might be placed into the “Large Prop” pose category:
- The plushie is so large that it overwhelms the main character in the pose, or no main character is clearly evident.
These examples happen to be the most common reasons why a plushie pose is rejected or placed into the "Large Prop" pose category – other reasons will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Multiple Subject Poses
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Specifically with props/plushie poses and other same specie(s) characters in a single pose. If the pose in question contains one or more character(s) of the same species and does not resemble a plushie-like appearance, it will not be accepted on chat. It must not take the focus away from the main character, as it would then be placed into the large prop category. If you wish to have more than one species in a single pose, it must be visibly noticeable that one is a plushie. For example, a pose with two human main characters would not be accepted on chat unless one of those characters is clearly a plushie. Multiple main characters in a single pose will be rejected if it is not evident.
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Mounts are acceptable within poses & they can be animals or creatures. The creature must be being ridden or otherwise clearly look like a mount. Acceptable mounts would be horses, small dragons, etc. Mounts of realistic creatures, such as horses, elephants, goats, camels, etc. are acceptable if sized accordingly. It is now acceptable if the character on the mount is the same species as the mount. Mounts cannot be lying down or sitting. Once they are not in motion, they are considered companion poses.
Pets & Companion Poses
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Pets are companion animals that are present in a pose with your main character. Pet & Companion Poses are acceptable. Multiple small animals; such as rodents, birds, insects, or fish are acceptable. However, there should not be anymore than two large/medium pets in a pose. Any others should be turned into plushies. Poses that depict the same species are now acceptable to be used on Wolfhome. These poses include a Feral or Anthro character, accompanied by animal companion(s) of the same species. Babies or children are also not acceptable as companions, since they look like second characters. Companion poses must be same size or smaller than a standard feral wolf according to our size charts. Oversized companion(s) that take away the focus of the main character may be placed into the large prop category, for example a Dragon companion to a Dragon OC. Any animal can be a companion, including if it is the same species, so long as it meets size guidelines. Any companion in motion or a character is sitting on it will be considered a mount pose. If there are small feral companions that are overtly larger than the Feral/Anthro character or Anthro Characters accompanied by an Anthro Companion, they will be rejected. Copyrighted companions are now acceptable as fan art as long as credit it given to the original company and/or sources, the exception is the companion cannot be fanart of someone's character or fanart of a character that was created by an artist on another platform that was not commissioned by the User (Unless explicit permission has been provided).
Gag & Mini Poses
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Gag poses are otherwise known as "joke poses". These types of poses are meant to be drawn with simplicity and/or poor aesthetic quality. Gag and Mini poses require minimal shading, aesthetic quality, highlighting, and even anatomy. All other art standards still apply. Occasionally, we will reject a gag pose for aesthetic quality, or we simply cannot determine what the pose is meant to be.
AFK Poses
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AFK otherwise known as "away from keyboard" Poses are acceptable. AFK Poses MUST be either canine or any other species related (canine/species skeleton, tail popping out of an object, etc. with the text "AFK" being visible) in order to be used in Public Rooms. Any AFK pose that is just an inanimate object, such as a desk, pencil, rock, etc., will not be acceptable as an AFK pose to be used in a public room -- and will be accepted in the inanimate object pose category.
Copyright Characters
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We have updated our policy to welcome poses and rooms that feature copyrighted characters or works. This includes cosplay, plushies, and hand drawn illustrations of copyrighted characters. Please be aware that despite this recent change, you are still required to have explicit, personal permission to use any of the artwork you upload.
Poses with Drugs & Alcohol
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Marijuana, bongs, hookahs, as well as paraphernalia associated to these, as well as alcohol are allowed in poses on Chat. Please bare in mind these are still only available to those who are above the age of 21 & that the pose uploaded isn't distasteful or abused. If you are found abusing these poses, then necessary action may be taken against your account & the pose will be immediately revoked from it's active status. These poses should only be used within the Mature Rooms and will require the NSFW option to be checked when uploaded.
Listed below are extra examples of what is not acceptable within a pose. If you're inquiring about anything further that is not listed below, please reach out to an ART Member to clarify.
- Pills & Pill Bottles
- Melting & Crushing Pills
- Any & all Needles
- Snorting
- Any themes or references to hallucinagenic Mushrooms "Shrooms"
NSFW Poses
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NSFW Artwork is allowed on Wolfhome, but needs to be placed in the NSFW Category. If a pose is too suggestive, it would be placed in this category & may also be handled on a case by case basis. If you're unsure if the specific pose in question is appropriate or not, feel free to reach out to any of our ART Members. NSFW Poses are only able to be used in Mature Rooms on chat. Our guidelines for NSFW content can be viewed below.
- Full body artistic nudity
- Adult themes (ex. Bondage)
- Mature writings
- Sheaths
- Pornography, (not limited to: Masterbation, Intercourse, Erections/Detailed Penis (Veins, Slits), Sexual Fluids, Spreading/Detailed Vagina's)
- Dubious Consent/Non consensual themes
- Illegal drug use
- Explicit writings (no excessive sexual detail, no smut or personal experiences)
Animated Poses
(back to top) Assembled based on guideline ideas by Pit
We allow animated poses that use the file types GIF or PNG. Animation frames are only limited to our 512 KB (512,000 bytes) size restriction. As stated above, all poses uploaded as GIFs or animations must have a clean, solid outline.
When creating animated poses, it is crucial to keep in mind the safety of other members who will also be viewing your images. It is best to avoid using flashing lights, bright colors, quick movements, contrasting patterns, or movements that could potentially trigger seizures or other health issues. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the poses are of high quality on both sides and do not move too quickly. An animated pose will be evaluated based on size, how many elements are moving, and the number of frames being used in addition to our general pose requirements. Please note that any sexually suggestive animated poses will only be acceptable under the NSFW category and are still subject to our NSFW rules.
Below are some additional guidelines you can follow to ensure your animated poses are acceptable.
Flashing Lights & Colors Avoid using flashing lights or colors as they can trigger seizures in users who have epilepsy. These types of poses will be automatically rejected. To prevent this, allow time between stillness or movement and flashes. The number of frames in the flash should be sufficient to prevent any potential harm to the eyes. Avoid using excessively bright colors and refrain from frequently switching between them.
Animation Speed & Amount of Movement It is important to consider the size of the movement or animation itself, as well as how long the animation lasts and when it loops. As smaller poses are already less conspicuous, they are not likely to cause any major problems when in motion. Partial body movements (eye blinking, ear flicking, tail wagging) are less noticeable and generally not harmful when moving at a slow rate. When looking at a pose with full body movement, it is essential to consider the size and any potential lasting effects the animated features may have. It is important to find a balance between these elements to ensure a well-rounded animation.
Determining the FPS (Frames Per Second) of a pose can be difficult due to the number of frames and how they are arranged. For example, a pose could be 10 FPS, but if there are not many frames in the animation, the movement will appear quicker and snappier. In order to accurately assess an animation's speed and movement, additional criteria should be taken into account rather than relying solely on the FPS rate. We will evaluate your animation's speed based on:
- The number of frames that change per second (FPS)
- The total number of frames
- Any other methods that can be used to alter the speed (such as increasing the speed of the animation itself)
Examples of Acceptable Animated Poses Provided by Pit
Small animated poses with quick movements:

Animated poses with partial body movements:

Animated poses using full body movement:

Turning Off Animated Poses Depending on which browser you're using, animated poses can be turned off. On this page from How-To Geek, please navigate to your corresponding browser to view instructions on how to disable animations.
Helpful Resources Assembled based on recommendations provided by Pit
This site is safe and efficient to use for altering and creating animated GIFs, allowing you to combine frames, adjust the animation speed, the size of the image, and flipping the image itself. Ezgif Help & FAQ
Online GIF Tools
A free site to easily make GIFs transparent. Use a HEX Color Picker if the BG of your pose is an off-color.
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Additional Rules
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Clipart is only acceptable if reliable source(s) are used & it states that the specific clipart is free to use. Modding is only allowed if the original artist states that modifying their artwork is acceptable.
Helpful Links
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If you have any further questions or inquiries, please either use our
dedicated forum, send the Art Review Team an e-mail, or find a Member of the ART on the Chat or Forum. Thank you!
All characters and artwork used in the making of this FAQ are © to the creators and/or owners. Specific permission was obtained for use. The characters and artwork seen here are not free to use unless stated otherwise. © 2008 - 2018
A special thank-you goes to Kesame for creating the original artwork for this FAQ.
This FAQ was last updated on 1/6/2018